Vachon Law Firm

Own a Lemon?
Deal or Scam?

Expert, Aggressive Representation for California Consumers

Are you looking for information about the California lemon law, or for an experienced California lemon law attorney? If so, this Web site is the best place to start. The Vachon Law Firm provides professional, aggressive, trusted lemon law representation for California vehicle owners. We also handle repossession and car dealer fraud cases.

At this site you can find out everything you want to know about this California’s lemon law by reading the California Lemon Law information page, or by calling us toll free at (855) 4-LEMON-LAW to receive a free consultation with one of the most trusted lemon law lawyers in California.

If you have a California lemon law case, the Vachon Law Firm will tell you that directly. If you don’t, we will tell you that too. We can give you an estimate of how long your lemon law claim will likely take, give you a rough idea of your chances of getting a winning verdict, and even tell you how much money you are likely entitled to under the California lemon law. While California’s lemon law statute may have nothing to do with citrus trees and groves of yellow citrus fruit, an expert California lemon law attorney like Michael Vachon, LL.M. can show you how the California lemon law can turn your lemon into lemonade!

Click to start learning more about California’s Lemon Law.

100% Success Rate in California Lemon Law Cases

At the Vachon Law Firm we have a 100% litigation success rate and have never lost a California lemon law case. That is, in all lawsuits in which we included a claim under California’s lemon law (i.e., the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act) our clients have succeeded by either having their lemon vehicle repurchased (i.e., received a “lemon law buyback”), getting their vehicle replaced by the manufacturer or dealer, or receiving a mutually-agreed upon cash settlement payment from the defendants.

Of course, our previous California lemon law cases are not in any way a guarantee that we can win your or anyone else’s particular lemon law lawsuit. Each California lemon law trial is determined by its own witness and evidence, and by the thoughts and impressions of the judge and jury. But you can rest assured that when you call the Vachon Law Firm an expert California lemon law lawyer will review your potential case thoroughly and carefully. We will peel away the facts until we get to the truth, and then tell you whether you have a case under California’s lemon law (or any other California consumer protection statutes).

The Vachon Law Firm has represented lemon vehicle owners in California lemon law and car dealer fraud litigation all throughout this State. From San Francisco and the Bay area, to Sacramento, Eureka, and the San Joaquin Valley, from Los Angeles and Hollywood to San Diego, and the rest of sunny Southern California, when Californians are stuck with a sour lemon vehicle, the Vachon Law Firm is there to help with legal advice, potential case analysis, and legal representation. If you have a case under the lemon law in California, we can help get you the justice that you deserve for your lemon!

California Lemon Law Cases Started For No Money Down

Are you wondering if you have enough money to start a California lemon law case? Is so, you don’t need to. The Vachon Law Firm typically represents clients in California lemon law and car dealer fraud lawsuits on a “contingency fee” basis. Having a contingency fee retainer agreement with your lemon lawyer is important because it means you can start a California lemon law case for no money down. Our law firm will typically pay the lawsuit filing fee, pay the cost of serving the defendants with the complaint, and provide the aggressive legal representation that you need to win your California lemon law claim without any advance payment. All you need to do is be prepared to testify and be cross-examined (and we can prepare you for that as well). What’s more, we don’t get paid unless you win your California lemon law case, and then when we win the lemon vehicle’s manufacturer (or the selling dealership) will be forced to pay our law firm’s legal fees and costs for you. Under the California lemon law statute you can essentially get FREE legal representation for California lemon law claims.

Call toll free at (855) 4-LEMON-LAW today to discuss your potential lemon law claim with a professional California lemon law litigator, and to see if you qualify to start a California lemon law lawsuit for no money down.

Car Dealer Fraud and Repossession Cases

Has your car been repossessed? Were you the victim of an automobile dealership’s scam? At the Law Office of Michael Vachon, LL.M., we don’t just do lemon law cases. We specialize in car dealer fraud and repossession related lawsuits as well.

If your vehicle has been repossessed, it is critically important that you review this site’s information about California’s automobile repossession laws. They are strict, and if the dealer, finance company, or repossession agent violated any of the rules you may be entitled to monetary compensation, to get your vehicle back, or to have your deficiency balance eliminated.

If a car dealer committed fraud by tricking you into buying an accident-damaged used car, falsifying the purchase documents, or failing to disclose other important facts about your new car, then you immediately call us at 1-855-4-LEMON-LAW (1-855-453-6665) to see if you have a viable claim under California’s auto fraud laws. Call us today. Consultations are always free!

Click here to read a list of the car dealers sued by our firm.

Free Consultations With an Expert California Lemon Law Lawyer

The Vachon Law Firm lets you talk to an expert California lemon law lawyer for FREE to discuss your potential lemon law claim. Michael Vachon, LL.M. knows the California judicial system inside and out. He has represented hundreds of California vehicle owners in California lemon law lawsuits from San Diego County to Sonoma, all along the Pacific Coast, and into the Inland Empire, Rivrside, Sacramento, and San Bernardino. He has won appeals in California’s appellate court, and argued in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of California. So call today to get your FREE California lemon law consultation!

All calls are covered by California’s attorney-client privilege, and are completely confidential. Call us toll free at (855) 4-LEMON-LAW to get your FREE consultation with one of the most experienced, most aggressive, and most trusted lemon law attorneys in California.

You can also email your California lemon law questions to us at, and get a personal response from an expert California lemon law attorney.

Lemon Law for Used Cars and New Automobiles

Some people think that there is no California lemon law for used cars, and that the lemon law only covers new automobiles. But they are wrong. California’s lemon law statute generally provides protection for all cars and trucks that are sold to consumers in California by licensed car dealers. So long as the vehicle was under some type of warranty when you bought or leased it, California’s lemon law is likely to provide some protection.

Of course, the California lemon law statute has numerous provisions that cover different vehicles in various ways, so in some used car lemon law cases the requirements of the California lemon law may be different. The best way to find out how the California lemon law’s rules apply to you and your lemon vehicle is to call an expert California lemon law attorney.

Call us toll free at (855) 4-LEMON-LAW to find out if and how California’s lemon law for used cars can help you with your lemon.

Links to Official California Lemon Law Information

Official California lemon law information has been published by the California Department of Justice, and can be viewed at the link for the California Attorney General’s CA lemon law web page. However, Californians should be careful in reviewing this official information. Although this official California lemon law info is accurate, it doesn’t provide lemon vehicle owners with the guidance they need to use the California lemon law’s rules to their maximum advantage. If you are considering a lawsuit under the lemon law in California, you should definitely first talk to a qualified California lemon law lawyer for an expert legal opinion on how to proceed with your case.

If you are looking for official information about arbitrating your claim under California’s lemon laws, you can check out this link to the California Dept. of Consumer Affairs Lemon Law Arbitrations web page. Although this is also an official source of lemon law info, consumers should exercise caution prior to agreeing to any type of lemon law arbitration. Virtually all California lemon law attorneys agree that arbitration of lemon law claims is weighed in favor of the vehicle’s manufacturer, and not in your interests.

One of California’s Most Trusted CA Lemon Law Attorneys

At the Vachon Law Firm we strive to be the California lemon law attorneys that hard-working Californians trust to represent their friends, neighbors, and loved ones. We realize that owning a lemon vehicle can be hard on your nerves, your pocketbook, and even dangerous. We know that what California car owners really want in a lemon law lawyer is someone who gives them straight answers, who returns their phone calls, who keeps them updated on the status of their lawsuit, and who they trust.

Call us toll free at (855) 4-LEMON-LAW, and let CA lemon law attorney Michael Vachon, LL.M. show you what the California’s lemon law statute can do for you!